
Any electronic device which has run the course of its useful life is known as E-waste (or electronic waste).  Generally speaking, anything with an electrical cord or a battery can be classified as e-waste including

  • Laptops, computers and keyboards
  • TVs, monitors and VCRs
  • Printers, scanners and fax machines
  • Modems and cables
  • Mobile phones

Once they are dismantled, electronic devices can reveal a complex mixture of components, some of which are considered hazardous. Metals and chemicals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chlorine, bromine and phosphors can have a detrimental impact on the local environment.  If not correctly disposed of, they can leak into landfill soils and then into the water table. By responsibly recycling your e-waste you can divert these toxic materials away from landfill and into useful recycled components.

Capital City Waste Services can recover all the recyclable and toxic materials from your e-waste. Defunct computers and laptops can yield reusable materials such as glass, metal, plastics, steel and copper. VCRs, mobile phones and other electronic devices contain recoverable materials such as gold, copper, platinum, silver, palladium, tin and zinc.  These metals can be recovered and reused in the manufacture of new electronics, jewellery and plating.

Capital City Waste services provides a dedicated on-site facility for recovery of your e-waste and in this way we are able to divert potentially hazardous materials away from landfill and reduce environmental demands and impacts from manufacturing and mining of new metals.

What Happens to my E-Waste?
On arrival at our Collection Centre, the e-waste is sorted and subjected to a hazardous waste assessed to determine if it contains any dangerous material. All components are then dismantled, sorted into their relevant material streams, bundled and sent for reclamation and recovery of any useful components. Sometimes viable e-waste in good working order can be donated to charity or offered for sale at low cost to those in need.